OBN Security Knows Crisis Management
The strategy has been written. OBN Security has been the vendor of choice for a large number of multinational companies and government agencies when labour disputes occur. OBN Security, with its network of corresponding companies across Canada, can be a valuable tool when any labour unrest is pending. It is essential to have a plan designed to deal with strike and labour disturbances. It begins with pre-strike planning, moves into strike operation planning, and ends with post-strike intelligence. These steps are interdependent but distinct. . They require different resources and involve different time frames. Several different types of strikes can occur, and the impact of each strike may differ. The most common strike is the “ECONOMIC STRIKE”, which occurs after a breakdown in labour negotiations and generally results in a vote by the bargaining unit to stop working.
No part of the plan can be left out or overlooked.
No one knows that better than the labour team at OBN Security They know a plan must be put into place at the first sign of labour unrest. They know which questions must be addressed. Will management attempt to conduct business as usual? How many workers will hit the picket line on the strike’s first day? What will be the chain of command for strike operations? Will criminal complaints be followed up in cases where police make arrests? Is the facility safe from sabotage?
OBN Security has the checklist. It has the technology to monitor and control the scenarios, the ability to quickly identify the hot spots and the agitators. It has the know-how that assures success. Testimonials from former clients say it all. Too much is at risk to take chances with a second-rate plan, and OBN Security has a well-earned reputation as the leader in the field of strike management.
OBN Security will set up the lines of communication, map out the lay of the land and logistically set up the solutions to deal with the “what-if’s” that will invariably crop up. We will arrange for camera coverage and surveillance, and orchestrate who will and will not get access to the company’s premises. Strike rules will be clearly defined, with all incidents broken down by category: fires, unauthorized trespass, entry of unauthorized vehicles, vandalism, sabotage, assaults, union propaganda tactics, criminal activities, and union intelligence gathering.
For additional information, contact OBN Security headquarters at 1-(416)-253-7416 or toll free 1-866-626-5900. info@obnsecurity.com