Counter Surveillance
“You never know who’s watching you…” In times of turmoil, business or political unrest, people can be placed under surveillance and it is critical that they be aware that they are being watched or listened to in order to ensure that their integrity is not compromised in any way. OBN Security deploys specially trained personnel to debug buildings, sweep boardrooms and ensure that technical countermeasures are taken where needed. OBN Security investigators are also specially trained to determine where people are under surveillance and to assure that counter-surveillance is effective in protecting the privacy and integrity of our clients.
Detailed Services Listing
• On-line remote digital video monitoring
• Global positioning transmitters
• Access control and intrusion detection
• Asset tracking and vehicle route audits
• Physical counter-surveillance sweeps
• Sensitive meeting protection and access screening
• Counter-threat surveillance (mobile and foot)
• Static area protective counter-surveillance measures
Pricing Available upon Consultation
For additional information, contact OBN Security headquarters at 1-(416)-253-7416 or toll free 1-866-626-5900. info@obnsecurity.com